Author: Martha Lourey-Bird

Staff that exercise regularly are less likely to take sick leave, recover quicker when they do, have more strategies for coping with stress and anxiety and enjoy better sleep and less back pain. They’ve also been shown to be more productive during the working day....

Regardless of whether you work in an office, at home or on the road, lunch-hour workouts make great sense. Not only are they an effective way to reduce your daily sitting time, which is particularly important if you have a sedentary job, they can also...

Fitting in regular exercise post-baby can be a challenge. Factor in everything from a (huge!) change in routine to the fact that your body has experienced something significant, and carving out time to do some physical activity isn’t always easy. But it’s not impossible –...

Regardless of how old your children are, there’s a way to make exercise fun for the whole family. Don’t panic – while doing active things together as a family is important and is a healthy habit to develop, you don’t always have to be active...

‘Mindfulness’ is one of those health and wellbeing buzzwords that seems to be everywhere you look right now. It hit my radar about five years ago, and ever since, I’ve been doing what I can to include it in my – and my family’s –...

And that word is – fun! Yes, really. I truly believe that exercise is fun – or at least it can be. In fact, I’m so passionate about this topic, I’ve written an entire book about it. I also understand how that might seem like a...

When you’re feeling irritated, frustrated or cranky, you might be inclined to skip the exercise you had planned – but a better strategy is to pull your trainers on and get moving. A single session of physical activity is sufficient to trigger the release of...

It’s official: exercise is good for your brain. And no, not just for your mental health (although it is (seriously!) great for that, which you can read about here), but for your grey matter’s physical capabilities, or cognitive function, too. In particular it can: Sharpen your...